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A Sobering Look At The Numbers

The Shocking Statistics of Animal Slaughter

A Sobering Look at the Numbers

In 2020, the global meat industry slaughtered an astonishing 731,627,942,13 animals. This staggering figure represents a staggering 28% increase from previous years.

Breakdown by Species

Among the animals slaughtered, the largest proportion comprised:

  • Chickens (63.4%)
  • Pigs (29.6%)
  • Cows (3.7%)
  • Sheep (3.3%)

Ethical Implications

The sheer magnitude of animal slaughter raises serious ethical concerns. The intensive farming practices used to meet meat demand often entail cramped and inhumane conditions, leading to animal suffering and environmental damage.


The staggering number of animals slaughtered for human consumption is a sobering indictment of our dietary choices. As consumers, we have the power to reduce the demand for meat and support more sustainable and compassionate food production practices. By making conscious choices, we can create a future where farmed animals are treated with respect and the environment is protected for generations to come.
