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Galapagos Islands A Unique And Diverse Ecosystem

Galápagos Islands: A Unique and Diverse Ecosystem

Home to a Vast Array of Wildlife

The Galápagos Islands, located in the Pacific Ocean about 600 miles west of mainland Ecuador, are renowned for their unique and diverse ecosystem. With over 9000 confirmed species, including many found nowhere else on Earth, the islands are a living laboratory for studying evolution and natural selection.

Marine Life

The ocean surrounding the Galápagos is home to a wide variety of marine life, including sea turtles, sharks, rays, and a variety of fish. The islands are also known for their marine iguanas, which are the only lizards that feed exclusively on seaweed.

Land Animals

The islands are home to a number of land animals, including giant tortoises, land iguanas, and sea lions. The Galápagos tortoise is one of the largest living reptiles, with some individuals reaching weights of up to 500 pounds.

Conservation and Tourism

The Galápagos Islands are a popular tourist destination, but efforts are being made to protect the islands' fragile ecosystem. Visitors are required to follow strict guidelines to minimize their impact on the environment, and the number of tourists is limited.
